PANCHANG FOR 14-03-2025
Tithi Krishna Pratipada
Nakshatra Uttra Phalguni
Karana Baalav
Paksha Krishna-Paksha
Yoga Shool
Day Friday
PANCHANG FOR 14-03-2025
Sunrise 6:33:48
Sunset 18:30:5
Moon Sign Aquarius
Moon Rise 18:39:50
Moonset 6:32:6
Ritu Shishir
Rahu Kaal 11:02:24 to 12:31:56
Gulik Kaal 08:03:20 to 09:32:52
Yamaghanta 15:31:00 to 17:00:32
Abhijit Muhurta 12:08 to 12:54
Purnimanta Phalguna
Amanta Phalguna
Vikram Samvat 2081
Shaka Samvat 1946
Disha WEST
Moon Nivas EAST


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What date is today? What period of the day is today auspicious to start up a new task or ceremony? These are a few questions that come across us in daily life. According to India's culture and traditions, excellent and essential work is started at the most prime hour of the day. Believed to bring in positive energies and success, looking into the prospects of the day is essential, and it is done with the help of Panchang. SUVICH - The Real Astrology provides complete details of Today’s panchang. 

Mostly, Panchang is linked to Jyotish. In India, Panchang is published by various Jyotishes, authors, societies, and academics. Focusing on the celestial bodies, natural phenomenon like weather, eclipse, and different other mundane practices, Panchang offer quite a great insight to set the auspicious dates of weddings, inaugurations, new beginnings in corporate life like mergers, and various activities in religion like child naming ceremony or Grah Pravesh.

Basics About the Panchang

While there are a handful of panchang available for understanding and reading. All these offer the information for a year and more, whereas the Vishwa Vijaya Panchangam is one that covers more than 100 years. Explaining in the consideration of the most general terms, Panchang is basically the Hindu calendar that follows the most basic and conventional points of Hindu timekeeping and offers the critical occasions or appointments and estimates in the form of the catalogue designed in the table format for better understanding and uses by the ordinary people as well. It is also associated with understanding the Rashi Phala, which is the impression or the consequence of the separate independent person’s zodiac signs.

Panchang, a word which is derived from the Sanskrit word that carries the literal meaning of possessing five branches or limbs. The three most popular sense of Panchang imply:

  • The Vedic astrology states that Panchang is the five attributes of the anyday, which include:
    • Tithi: This is the angular connection or dependence between the two most potent celestial bodies, the Surya (sun), and the Soma (moon). To understand further, one tithi is equal to the 12-degree difference between sun and moon.
    • Nakshatra: It means the location of the moon for the observer at the center of the earth. There are 27 Nakshatras in 360 degrees, with every single one divided equally into 13 degrees and 20 minutes length. Each Nakshatra is entirely controlled by the constellations which means a group of stars, divided into charans or padas, with four padas for every Nakshatra. It holds quite a significance during the kundali matching.
    • Yoga: In the most common terms, it is used to specify a person's characteristics or individual. Derived by adding the sun and moon location, there are a total of 27 Yogas, and each id of length 13 degrees and 20 Minutes.
    • Karana: This is a further split of Thiti into two equal parts. There are a total of 60 Karanas in one lunar month. The Karanas are further classified as moveable (chara) and fixed (sthira). There are a total of 7 moveable and four solid Karanas in the Panchang.
    • Var (day): As the name suggests, it is the day of the week. There are a total of 7 vars. Monday directed by Soma (Moon), Tuesday commanded by Mangal (Mars), Wednesday managed by Budha (Mercury), Thursday ordered by Guru (Jupiter), Friday dictated by Shukra (Venus), Saturday controlled by Shani (Saturn), and Sunday decreed by Surya (Sun). According to Hindu Panchang, the vars marks the origin or offset of the propitious and inauspicious time to begin a task based on the aurora or dawn and dusk or twilight.
  • There is an almanac, which is an annual publication depicting the set of events for the upcoming year. It mostly records astronomical phenomena like climatic changes, motion or path of the celestial body mainly stars, weather, farmers planting dates, and tide tables. It is most commonly used after proper alteration by farmers, sailors, or astronomers.
  • The last is the Panchang-Puja, which is also the part of the Ganesh-Ambika-Puja.

Importance and Use of Panchang

With the five most important and integral parts, Panchang is quite essential in the Hindu astrology. Tithi for a date, Var for the day, Nakshatra for the constellation, Yoga for the most auspicious time, and Karan for further Tithi calculation, Panchang analyses and offers the best consultation for finding and selecting the most appropriate and lucrative time to start important activities and occasions like Marriage, inauguration, travel, setting up a new business, and various others. 

Calculating and understanding Panchang is considered of prime importance in the Hindu culture as it offers excellent insight to the readers. The fundamental importance and uses of Panchang are listed down as below:

  • It is used to fix and confirm the mahurathas, which in literal terms means the most auspicious period of the day. These are time periods like Laabh, Shubh, and Mangal, which are the best periods in a day to start anything new or blooming.
  • It is used for fixing the dates of Marriage and inaugurations. People even read the Panchang while organizing the naming ceremony for the child and even Grah Pravesh.
  • One can even plan the best day to travel to a new place or even start new work as a business or construction of a house.
  • The study of Panchang also assists in gaining knowledge about the unhappening and unfavorable time period, especially those linked to Rahu Kaal and Yamagandam. It helps the readers know about the time that is not appropriate to start anything new.

The determination of the perfect date and the most appropriate time to start crucial tasks of life, Panchang carries quite an importance in the Hindu lifestyle. A most common and general observation of Panchang suggests that Tuesday and Saturday are some of the most unhappening or unlucky days, and people refrain from starting up anything new or auspicious deeds on these days.

Understanding Panchang

Once you are thoroughly informed with the differentiating and unique terminologies and features of the Panchang and also its usage, it is essential to know to gain the basic understanding of the process of reading and also interpreting it. While the astrologers and pandits mostly use this, the panchang is even required by the ordinary people to decide upon small tasks like a usual pooja at home or bringing in a new vehicle in their family. While one cannot approach a pandit every now and then, this will help you to gain a basic comprehension of the Panchang.

When you glance at the Panchang, you will find a table with the horizontal and vertical lines that will create the image of the columns, rows, and cells. The tabular format of the Panchang is the one that describes the further aspects of the duration of the day, and this then helps to plan out the remainder of the day or any other upcoming event. As it offers a detailed and correctly analyzed report of the day, it is quite essential to know which cell you should study for and what a row or column explains. A concise judgment of the panchang is offered here in the section beneath:

  • The opening two horizontal rows describe the details of the sunrise or dawn and sunset or dusk. It gives information about the time of sunrise and sunset, which is quite fundamental to measure the mahurats of the day. There are a few Panchangs that offer the details of time-related to the moonrise and moonset as well.
  • The subsequent row is dedicated to the month. It provides all the details concerning the month, paksha, Vikram savant, and some also describe the Shaka Samvat. As per the Hindu calendar, there are two Paksha, Krishna paksha and Shukla Paksha. In general, there are twelve lunar months, which are Chaitra, Vaishakha, Jyestha, Ashadha, Shravana, Bhadrapada, Ashwin, Kartik, Margashirsha, Pausha, Maha, Phalguna. The month begins from the Shukla Paksha, followed by Poornima in the center, which is the 15th day of the month in common and ends at Krishna paksha. Vikram Savant is the historical Hindu calendar, which is nearly 57 years ahead of the English calendar. The current Samvaant is 2077. The Shaka Samvat is also called the Shalivahana Saka, which is a historical calendar and the current era of 1942.
  • The succeeding row is dedicated to the Tithi, which fluctuates with the sun and moon movement. There are 30 tithis in a lunar month, 15 in each paksha. The tithis in Shukla Paksha are Pratipada, Dwitiya, Tritiya, Chaturthi, Panchami, Shashthi, Saptami, Ashtami, Navami, Dashami, Ekadasi, Dwadashi, Trayodashi, Chaturdashi, and Purnima. In the Krishna Paksha, all the initial fourteen thitis are the alike, but the latest one is Amavasya.
  • The ensuing row is dedicated to the Nakshatra. It depicts the station of the star and the promising mahurats to begin anything new. At the identical moment, there are 27 Nakshatras which are Ashwini, Bharani, Krittika, Rohini, Mrigshirsha, Ardra, Punarvasu, Pushya, Ashlesha, Magha, Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Chitra, Swati, Vishakha, Anuradha, Jyeshtha, Moola, Purvashadha, Uttarashadha, Shravana, Dhanishtha, Shatbhisha, Poorvabhadrapada, Uttarabhadrapada, and Revati.
  • The following line is dedicated to yoga, which is again 27. They are Vishakumbha, Preeti, Aayushman, Saubhagya, Shobhana, Atiganda, Sukarma, Dhriti, Shoola, Gand, Vriddhi, Dhruva, Vyaghaata, Harshana, Vajra, Siddhi, Vyatipaata, Variyaana, Parigha, Shiva, Siddha, Saddhya, Shubha, Shukla, Brahma, Indra, and Vaidhriti.
  • The succeeding two rows are for Karna. There are seven moveable, namely, Bala, Baalava, Kaulava, Taitil, Gara, Vanija, and Vishti, and four immoveable karans, namely, Shakuni, Chatushpada, Naaga, and Kinstughna.
  • The following order displays the var that is the day of the week.
  • The subsequent line designates Soorya Rasi and Chandra Rasi. These are rashis that have witnessed the sun's journey and the moon in the most peculiar fashion for the day.
  • The subsequent row is one that describes the Promising Time and the Inauspicious Period. It gives a brief about the different periods and is the most appropriate period to start anything today, which is the period to be evaded. The details offer great insight as this is relatively straightforward information to the readers, and the insights it provides can really safeguard one from wrong periods. The auspicious ones are Abhijit Muhurat, Amrit Kaal, and Brahma Muhurta. The inauspicious ones are Rahu, Yamaganda, Gulika, Dur Muhurat, and Varjyam.
  • The following row is dedicated to the festivals and vrats falling on a particular day. In accordance with the Hindu calendar, this row will help you know about the Purnima or any Jayanti falling on that specific day.
  • There are a few panchang which displays a complimentary color or number for the day. Additionally, Chogadia Table, Lagna Table, and Panchaka Rahita Vidhi for Muhurtha are also added to the daily Panchang for better information to the readers. An additional row that describes the Vedic ritu and the drik ritu is also added to a few panchang.

These are the necessary details that Panchang offers. Understanding the details provided in each row can help one to read the Panchang and derive the meaning that it intends to highlight to all the users. 


Understanding the Panchang is very important for everyone. It is not necessary to have an in-depth understanding, but a basic understanding is essential to be aware of what is going on around and what one is expected to do. Since this offers insight about various phases of the day and the related information about undertaking the activities, it is crucial to focus. At the same time, one plans to start something important and vital. 

Needless to say, panchang is one easy and straightforward detailed chart of a day with a peculiar distribution of the time into favorable and unfavorable, making it even easier to be read and interpreted by not only astrologers and pandits but also by the common man to some extent. If you wish to get an insight about horoscopes or the daily Panchang, visit our website. I hope you enjoyed the information on Panchang and further visit our website to get a free monthly horoscope and the details of today Panchang to start your day in the most beautiful manner.

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