When it comes to comes to finances, this week isn’t favourable. Try to plan your expenses and budget. During weekends you might meet a old friend of yours after long back. You will spend a great time enjoying life together. Your relationship with your friends and family is important. So try to send time with them. You family needs your back, this week. The worries that concern you must be cleared. You need to speak up with your loved ones. There will be a rising issue in your working place but you must not get involved in it. You should keep yourself away from such troubles. Those who are pursuing higher education, it a very favourable time for them. They must focus on their studies to achieve excellence in academic. Students might have a pleasant time during this phase. It is a great time to learn some more new skills. On health front, one must check their diet and lifestyle. Eating junk food may lead to sever health issues. One must eat non-oily food to maintain their wellness and fitness. Beware of your health and money you spend on things. To know more about weekly horoscope please visit SUVICH.