There is great confusion regarding the interpretation of Chinese astrology. This may be due to many similarities with Western astrology. Many of the characteristics and actions associated with Chinese astrology are taken from Western astrological traditions. However, there are also many differences. Contact the best Suvich Astrologer to get to know about your life.

For starters, Chinese astrology is not based on the sun or a moon cycle like Western astrology. Instead, the Chinese zodiac is determined by the presence and absence of certain characteristics or signs within the year. The Chinese astrology system divides the year into four seasons. Each of the four seasons has twenty-four animals, and they are referred to as the “Chinese zodiac animals.” The twenty-four animals are classified under five elements. Chat with a Suvich Chinese Astrologer for immediate solutions
These five elements are wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Depending on where in the year the person was born will determine the element they were born under according to which color they will be assigned. Also, there is the color wheel used in China, and the interpretation of colors depends on how they are interpreted on the color wheel. The colors of Chinese astrology are as follows:
Since the Chinese have a writing system called the Canadian Mandarin, Chinese astrology is also classified according to the Canadian Mandarin font. This includes the modern interpretation of the English word “calendar,” “date,” “year,” and the other Western European words. So, for instance, the Chinese term for “date” is mool. This term denotes that the year has been assigned to the time of the birth of a male human since the Chinese believe that the earth is balanced on twelve animals, males being the earth animal. Suvich gives the best Chinese Astrology Services.
The Chinese zodiac, which is an ox, is also referred to as the Chinese horoscope. The Chinese zodiac has been known as one of the most reliable tools for the prediction of one’s personality traits. These are the personality traits being associated with the five Chinese astrology elements.

This Chinese astrology is useful for those who want to know about their personality traits as well as the direction they should take in life. One can use this knowledge to make correct choices and avoid bad companions in life. For example, if one has a Chinese astrology sign with an ox (yin), which dictates that they should seek to achieve financial freedom, they can make all the money they want by becoming an Ox Hermit. If they have a Chinese zodiac sign with an earth (Nung) sign that depicts them as an individual who will have a stable, long-lasting career, they can become a Janitor.
On the other hand, if they have a Chinese astrology sign with the water (chi) as their element, they would be more suitable for the field of medicine or acupuncture. Their career will be in the fields related to earth, water, fire, metal, wood, and plant. Their birth years can also provide them with many opportunities. For example, if they have a Chinese astrology sign with the last number of their birth is a four (i.e., they are over seventy years old), then they will have plenty of time to prepare for their career.
In Chinese astrology, the first ten of the twelve celestial bodies are represented by different elements. They are the primary elements of the Chinese zodiac. Your Chinese astrology sign will be assigned to the element, which is based on the star in the evening. For example, if your star is Vega, your element is fire, your sign is Taurus, your element is water, your households the primary element of your element, you will receive a red ribbon (a symbol of fire), a book (signifying water) and a sconce (referring to the bright flame). If your star is Cancer, your element is air, your sign is Scorpio, your house is earth, and you receive a blue ribbon (a symbol of air) and a lamp (signifying air).
There are several things that Chinese horoscopes tell you. It is better to get your predictions from an experienced astrologer than to rely on your instincts. Even experienced horoscopists are prone to errors, especially after years of practice. By consulting horoscopes for your marriage, you will be able to see for yourself if there are any signs that your relationship is headed for disaster.
If you want to know what lies ahead for your marriage, you can consult your horoscope. The predictions included in a marriage horoscope are based on the positions of both your planets when you create your chart. Your horoscope will show you the most common aspects between you and your spouse that will influence your marriage. These aspects are then summed to form your overall compatibility rating with each other.
After you have finished with your marriage horoscope, you should make a habit out of reading it every few months. It will help you keep track of changes that may be happening in your relationship. This way, you will know how to deal with them as the relationship grows. Horoscopes can sometimes be difficult to understand at first, but once you understand how they work, you will be able to use them to improve your marriage.
There are a lot of different ways to interpret marriage horoscopes. You can make a chart yourself using a free software program that will allow you to create your horoscope and download it onto your computer. Alternatively, you can choose to use an online service that will then mail it to you. You do have the option to print out a copy of your horoscope and take it with you on dates that you and your partner deem appropriate.