This is a very important festival in the Christian community. Good Friday is also known as ‘Holy Friday’ or ‘Great Friday’. This festival is known by different names in every country. Well, this day is not a happy one. On this day people do not congratulate or wish each other but mourn. It so happens that on this day Jesus Christ was crucified. Then a question arises in the mind if Jesus Christ was crucified on this day! So why is this day called ‘Good Friday’ again?
Why is it called Good Friday?

There are many beliefs behind this. It is believed that the day Jesus died was a Friday. But then why is it called ‘good’? Religious people believe that Jesus sacrificed his life for mankind. There is also another theory that he gave the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the whole world. Being a bad day, this day paved the way for the salvation of mankind. After this, Jesus came back to life two days later i.e. on Sunday. This is the reason why this day is called ‘Good’. This day marks the victory of good over evil.
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Why is Good Friday celebrated?

It is believed that on the day of Good Friday, Lord Jesus was crucified after suffering physical torture. That’s why this festival is celebrated as a mourning day. It is written in the Bible that about 2 thousand years ago in the Galilee province of Jerusalem, Jesus used to preach non-violence to the people. The people there were getting influenced by his teachings. People started believing in God. The religious leaders did not like this thing.
Only after this did he make a false complaint of Jesus to the Roman ruler Pilate. Pilate had the right to punish anyone. The religious leaders and fanatics proved Jesus guilty before Pilate. Jesus was charged with treason with contempt of religion. As a punishment, Pilate decreed the death penalty for Jesus Christ on the cruise. Before the death penalty, Jesus Christ was subjected to physical torture several times. He was killed with whips and whips. Thorns were pricked. Nails were hit on hands and feet. After that, he was hanged on the cross.
It is said that the day Jesus was crucified was a Friday. Therefore, remembering Jesus, Good Friday is celebrated. It is said in the Bible that from Friday to midnight on Saturday, stay in the tomb for 3 days. After this, on Easter Sunday, Jesus Christ was resurrected.
Know-how Good Friday is celebrated

On Good Friday all the followers remember the Lord Jesus in the church. Special prayers are held in the church. But the bell is not played in the church on this day. The sound is made only by the knock of the wood. After this people kiss the cross considered to be a symbol of Jesus Christ.
On this day people who believe in Christianity go to church to pray to the Lord. On these days fasting is kept in many places. Those who do not keep fast, on this day eat simple food (without meat). During the fast, people return to spiritual life and ask for forgiveness from the Lord Jesus Christ for the bad deeds they have done.
Some facts about Good Friday

The date of the Good Friday festival varies every year. Good Friday starts from Thursday itself. It is believed that on this day Jesus Christ washed the feet of his 12 disciples. He had dinner with them for the last time. In memory of this, the Father of the Church washes the feet of 12 people. At the same time, the Pope, the religious leader of Christians, also washes and kisses the feet of 12 people in Vatican City. The tableau is decorated in the church on this day.