Importance of days of the week in astrology

Human beings have come on this earth to do something meaningful. Every day, we look towards life as a tool for progress. In astrology, there is a deep meaning for every day of the week. It really matters the most as to on which day you were born. The seven days of the week represent sun, moon and five planetary bodies. Depending upon which day of the week you were born, there would be certain planetary positions which would take place and hence that can have strong influence over your mind and body. This is the reason why when a child is born, it would be vital to get his birth horoscope made.
What kind of personality you might have depending upon the day of the week you were born?

- The child born on a Monday would have good looks.
- The child born on a Tuesday would be graceful and polite.
- The child born on Wednesday has to face a few hardships in life.
- A child born on Thursday is ambitious, but he has to work hard to reach his goal.
- The child born on Friday is quite compassionate by nature.
- The child born on Saturday is ambitious and hardworking.
- The child born on a Sunday is supposed to be wise and peaceful.
These are some basic personality traits that the child might have depending upon the day of the week on which he was born. But astrology doesn’t limit itself to the days of the week. It really matters that at the time of birth what are the planetary conditions are. Depending upon the planetary condition, the astrologer has to make the relevant calculations and then you will get to know about birth signs. If you want to get the horoscope made or if you want to know about your future or your progress you must take help of Suvich-The Real Astrology’s astrologer.
The ruling planets depending upon the day of the week you were born

- If you were born on a Monday, the ruling body would be Moon.
- For people born on Tuesday, the ruling body would be Mars.
- For people born on a Wednesday the ruling planet is mercury.
- For people who were born on Thursday, Jupiter is the ruling planet.
- For people born on Friday , Venus is the ruling planet.
- For people born on Saturday, Saturn is the ruling planet.
This means that the traits that the planets and the heavenly bodies show up would be present even in the human personality, who has to bear the effect of the planets. In fact, the nature and personality traits are also different among people depending upon the ruling planet.
What personality traits can you expect?

- Children born on a Monday are attentive, adaptive, emotional and responsive. They also have good and strong intuitive personality. Thus, they generally do very well in studies.
- Children who are born on a Tuesday are supposed to be more energetic, blunt while speaking and competitive. You must therefore put them in sports or activities that would need high energy levels.
- Children born on a Wednesday are excited, curious and analytical. They generally do well in accounting areas or math.
- Kids born on Thursday are generous and big hearted. They are compassionate and hence you can put them in the fields as related to social sciences.
- Kids born on Friday are loving and attractive. They can take any field where they can rule depending upon their looks.
- Kids born on Saturday are steady and judgmental. They are hard working and have great ambition.
- Children born on Sunday are strong, level headed and ambitious. Thus, you can put them in relevant field depending upon what they like.
Once you understand what kind of personality traits people show depending upon their ruling planet, it would mean that you can groom your child depending upon the kind of personality he or she would have. With the help of birth chart compatibility parents can understand more about what career path or what kind of educational background would suit their children. Of course, to analyze the birth chart or horoscope you will need help of a reliable astrologer. For trustworthy and best astrologers, you can seek guidance from Suvich- The Real Astrology’s astrologer.
Having known that which your ruling planet life is will become too simple! Depending upon the day you were born, you will have certain personality traits and you can use them for progressing in your life. Apart from that, you can also add some divine mantras and chants in your life with the help of your astrologer. The day on which you were born would have an effect on your mind and body. So, if you learn chants which would help you to enhance and progress in your life then it can surely take you a long way.
The final words

It really matters the most as to whom you consult for enhancing your potentials. Every human being has come on the earth to experiment and explore the limitless potential they have. But often there might be some hurdles that may come in the path. It would therefore be vital to understand the astrological impact of days of the week on which you were born. In fact, not just this, the field of astrology is too wide. You must also seek consultation when you feel that some unfavorable things are happening in your life. When you feel whom to contact, don’t think much. Seek help of Suvich- The Real Astrology and see how you will be able to get a better solution. A good astrologer can actually change your life and offer you better prospects so that you can enhance the potential and live a better quality of life. With the help of astrology app you can plan your life in the better way and this can make your life blissful and peaceful.