The assistance of Vedic Astrology, the marriage Compatibility Analysis is done is known as the Online Kundali Matching. Essence at the Kundali matching Marriage is not matching of Kundali or birth chart. As we know we are all born different as per time and date. By this, some people are doing good together and some of them cause disaster when they start living together. So by this, we can easily say that the meaning of online Kundali matching is for a happy life between two persons and for success. When two people come together it’s very important that their kundali should match.
Mostly kundali matching happens when the two people are going to marry and their kundali matching for marriage is very important for a happy life and successful life. Ashta – Koota matching is the main task during the Kundali Milan that considers 36 points among both the horoscopes. According to Astrology if 18 points or more than that are matching the marriage is successful and if it is below 18 points then marriage is not approved in Astrology.
How kundali is necessary for Love marriage:-

For the Love marriage, we need to check the ashta – Koota matching when two people want to be together. In ashta – Koota we check the Nature of the person, earnings, Success, sexual abilities, attitude, and Behaviour of the person. In love, when a couple comes together and understands each other for a long time. Basically in a Love marriage, we check their mutual understanding between the couples. Points we check for love marriage in online kundali matching is Lifespan, chances of Divorce, chances to get cheated, and what are the Possibilities of children. On the behalf of these points, we can make a perfect Prediction for the love marriage with the help of kundali matching.
The procedure of Modern Approach to Online Kundali Matching:-

The Birthdate of Bride and groom, we have to calculate the eight Guna or the Ashtakoota by the marriage matching calculator. Watching the compatibility between the eight Gunas decided the fate of marriage that can only be seen by the online kundali matching. Below is the description of eight Gunas:-
- Varna – Through Varna we compare the caste of the bride and groom. The Varna of groom should be equivalent or higher than the varna of bride. On the behalf of this it throws light on the mental compatibility between two.
- Vashya – By the Name and birth Gun milan, this guna vashya can easily tell us which one among the couple is more controlling and Dominating by Nature.
- Tara – Tara or the birth start of the bride is for comparing the health related issues between the couples.
- Yoni – By this gonna yoni we can easily check the sexual compatibility between the couples.
- GrahaMaitri – By the help of Name and date of birth Graha Maitri can easily tells us the mental level between the Couples.
- Gana – This Guna gana helps us to check the Behaviour, Attitude, Nature and the approach of two.
- Bhakoot – Bhakoot Guna determines the Financial Condition of the couples and Specially their Success in future.
- Nadi – This guna is the last guna which holds the Maximum Points during the Kundali MIlan by the Name and Date of Birth of the Bride and Groom. It clearly tells us the health of the whole family after the Marriage and Birth of the children.
Compatibility of Ashtakoot Guna Milan Kundali Matching:-

The matching of 36 Points is called Guna Milan. 36 Points are based on the factor of Koot in the online Kundali Matching of the Couples. We can generally say the greater the score of the number is more for a successful marriage. During the Matching Process, the factor of Koot is taken about the methodology of the Online Kundali Milan. With the help of two methods, we can see the online kundali Milan. One is Ashtakoot Guna Milan and another one is based upon the eight factors; these both are the same. Another one is a ten- factor-based method that is called the Daksha Gun Milan. This both gun Milan is known as the Melpak.