Nakshatra Astrology

Nakshatra is the term for a lunar mansion in Hindu Astrology and Indian Astronomy. Each constellation covers 3 degrees, 20 minutes. These Nakshatra Astrology make all the difference in astrological calculations. The zodiac is grouped in 12 Rashis for convenience, then further it’s subdivided into 27 Nakshatras for convenience. Nakshatra astrology is divided into four padas (quarters of 3 degrees, 20 minutes).
These Nakshatras Astrology are broadly classified under the three heads of Deva (divine), Nara (human), and Rakshasa (demonic). Then they are subdivided by their gender and cast and also ascribed with qualities such as color, merits, the rulership of body parts, planets, etc. Generally, some proficient astrologers can help with finding these nakshatras on SUVICH – The Real Astrology. Nakshatra astrology can help one with marriages, disputes and helps in taking big steps.
One can get to know about their lucky name and their lucky number with the help of Nakshatra Astrology which they can use for their future steps. The Nakshatra Astrology helps us to get some decisions even related to married life. This even ensures the behavior of the partner and checks the suitability for the entire life. Whether that is a match, or not.
The compatibility is checked by matching the kundlis and by taking advice from some astrologers. But before marrying the same nakshatra and rashifal one should take care of some facts and Graha positions of their kundali. By matching kundlis and Rashi one can get exposure to their upcoming married life and can lead a happy married life. Before taking any big step regarding residence and all, one must consult an astrologer for guidance before buying that place. An astrologer by reading the Nakshatras and by searching for Vastu shastras can get the person to know about the reliability of the place and also about the compatibility with it.
Nakshatra Calculator

The believers who need to know about their Nakshatras can calculate it by taking help from their astrologers. Some of the legendary astrologers are there on the SUVICH – The Real Astrology, who can assist one through this and can help one find the solution out of it. All one needs to know are some following details and by submitting those details one can get to know about the rest of the things.
- Your Date of Birth, Place of Birth, and the exact Time of Birth.
- If the birth country follows the Daylight time, mention that.
- The Latitude, Longitude, and Timezone of your birth city.
Nakshatra calculator can come up to be the solution to most of the Kundli-related problems, the Graha ones can be solved just by taking help from these astrologers. The Nakshatra Astrology can be the most effective way to get to know about the hidden character by the zodiac signs. Zodiac signs let the person know about them as a whole. This Nakshatra Astrology assists the astrologer with the facts about that person and lets them know about it. The astrologers can connect with the Kundli and can have a match with it and they can provide the solution to deal with the problem to the maximum extent.
Rashi Finder

Rashi is the zodiac name that tells about the position of the moon at the time of birth. It is also known as the Moon sign. It helps to predict the future and some good instincts as well. For calculating Rashi, one needs to know their Country, Timezone, Date of Birth, Time (24 hours), Gender. The calculations for Rashi prediction are based on popular Drigganita or the Drik System which uses the position and the rotation of the sun using modern methods of observation and planetary data from NASA. Rashi also helps in determining the Baby’s name. Astrologers from SUVICH – The Real Astrology can help one to find out the Rashi and the solution to certain problems.
A zodiac sign name can help one in many aspects, it is so beneficial in finding the perfect match, characteristics of a person. Also, these zodiac signs help one to get to know through the evil eye and also helps in finding the solution from that. Some essential details to tell the astrologer, to get the information about the Rashi are listed below;
- Your Date of Birth, Place of Birth, and the exact Time of Birth
- If the birth country follows the Daylight time, mention that.
- The Latitude, Longitude, and Timezone of your birth city.
Powerful Nakshatra

In our daily life, these Nakshatra and Planetary Motion affect human life in so many aspects. So, talking about the Powerful Nakshatra one needs to know that the meaning of Powerful Nakshatra varies from person to person and according to the needs. Generally, human beings always want to be the ruler of society, with dignified wealth and power. There are some Nakshatras that help one to get to know about it. The position of the constellations describes the behavior of the person. Here are some of the Nakshatras that one may think are powerful according to their realm.
Dhanishta Nakshatra

This nakshatra in someone’s birth chart can be proof of having wealth in one’s life. It symbolizes the Damru of Shiva or the Bansuri of Krishna. The ruling planet is Mars and has Ashta Vasus as the deities.
Magha Nakshatra

This symbolizes the royal chamber with a throne or a palanquin. This nakshatra describes royalty, field, power, status, and honor.
Punarvasu Nakshatra

This denotes the symbol of ‘Bow and Quiver of Arrows’. This we can say is rags to riches and riches to rags.
There are different Nakshatras for defining different genres of one’s life. Thus some Nakshatras are mentioned above which are powerful in their stream regarding power, wealth, money. One can get to know about their Nakshatras, with the help of astrologers; one can find a proficient astrologer online on SUVICH – The Real Astrology.