Rakhi remembers the date of fasting and important Hindu rituals by following drik panchang daily. She believes that these dates are important for obtaining peace in life. She became devoted to astrology after seeing the magical effects of astrology on a person’s life.
Fasting, rites, rituals, festivals, panchang, and muhurat are special in Hindu and Vedic astrology. We cannot imagine Hinduism and its rituals without these inherent components. On this page, you will find information about various festivals, auspicious rituals, muhurat, and panchang. In addition, information about the period of Chaughadia, Hora, Abhijit, Rahu, and Do Ghati Muhurat, and others.
To calculate the profitable period is also available here. With the help of daily and monthly Panchang, one can learn the date, day, Nakshatra, Yogi, Karan, or sunrise and sunset times of sun and moon.
Keep track of holidays and rituals with the help of drik panchang

The Hindu and panchang calendar 2021 keeps track of the various events of the year and major holidays. Also, the content available on this page will allow you to calculate the flywheel of your city using online software to understand the various festivals and functions.
Information about the current date, time, day, samvat, Nakshatra, and much more can be found by clicking on drik panchang through the online platform.
In addition, current sunrise and sunset times and yoga can be announced through this facility. Our Panchang page also offers the use of Daily Panchang, Monthly Panchang, 2019 Panchang, 2020 Panchang, Gauri Panchangam, Bhadra, Karan, and Month calculator today.
Hindu calendars are not as accurate in sticking to the weather cycle, but it is very comfortable to use. But, of course, it is convenient to stick to the Gregorian calendar in modern times with our technology. Still, if, for our particular reason, we are stuck on an island without modern tools, the Hindu calendar will be more useful.
Free panchang is important in Hinduism as it provides important information about important festivals of the year and their dates, auspicious rituals of muhurat and puja. You can also get to know the major festivals of other religions and communities.
Follow drik panchang daily and never forget to worship gods

Hinduism recognizes more than 84 lacquer gods and goddesses, so various festivals are held in one year. Each holiday is associated with a certain god or goddess. The Hindu calendar, or Hindu drik panchang, outlines Hindu festivals and provides the necessary information for Muslim, Sikh, and Christian holidays. If you are talking about Hindu religious festivals specifically, this is where you can get descriptive information about the festivals that take place each month. AstroSage also lists festivals that have been declared important days by the Indian government.
Apart from festivals, Lent is also an important part of Hinduism. According to traditional Hindu beliefs, a different Titis every month is dedicated to prominent gods (Devta). This explains why the tradition of fasting is maintained on these important days. With the help of this panchang, we show different times of fasting to be done every month.
Of all the fasts associated with Hinduism, the fast of Purnima, Ekadashi, Pradosha, monthly fast of Shivratri, Amavasya, Sankashti, Savan Somwar (Monday), and Navratri are the main ones. These different fasts are mainly observed in honor of Lord Vishnu, Lord Ganesha, Lord Shiva, and Goddess Durga.
Remember all the auspicious Muhurtas through drik panchang

The Hindus pay special attention to the auspicious muhurat and timing before embarking on auspicious tasks. Time is calculated before starting any sacred ceremony such as marriage, devotion, or yajna (Yagya). Each task marked during this time receives a positive result and helps to have a favorable impact on the auspicious planet and Nakshatra. It should also be remembered that different types of muhurat find a place in the Hindu calendar 2021. Some are given below:
- Abhijit Muhurat
- Do Ghati Muhurat
- Pushia Yoga Teacher
- Buying a Muhurat vehicle (Wahan Harid Muhurat)
- Muhurat real estate purchase
- Muhurat Baptism Ceremony (Namkaran Muhurat)
- Mundan Muhurat for Muhurat security ceremony
- Chogadia
- Rahu Kaali
Drik panchang can help you live in peace and harmony

According to online panchang, Kundli is very important in one’s life. It is also often referred to as the local people’s birth table. An individual’s birth chart is specially created by calculating the planetary movements and nakshatras that occur during his birth, which illuminate the present and future of man. People are very interested in creating natal charts to get an idea of the problems ahead and find useful tools.
In ancient times, people sought the guidance of experienced astrologers to create their horoscopes. But in this modern age, you don’t need to visit anyone to get information about your future. The free Kundali app launched by us will help you to create your birthday card or the birthday card of any family member or friend. This free service can be used in seconds, and your birth card details will appear on your screen. You need to follow a simple procedure to enter your name, time of birth, date, day, and location to view your birth certificate.
Our page on panchang in Hindi also offers horoscope combinations. The tradition of comparing the horoscopes of each bride is passed down quite prominently by Hindus. This tool determines how compatible boys and girls are based on their clash of qualities (Una). The more compatible the partner is, the more likely their relationship is to be maintained. From now on, this characteristic plays a very important role in speculation about the future of married life. It takes a lot of 18-24 Gunas out of 36 to have a happy married life. You can check its compatibility with the Kundli Match Calculator available on our website. Just enter the names and birthdays of girls and boys and find the results.
Drik panchang is a great choice over other calendars

Does the daily panchang calendar offer a clear advantage over the Christian calendar in dealing with this problem? Well, before we tell you, let us explain how the drik panchang works because I think many of you probably don’t even know how the Hindu calendar works. The Hindu calendar combines the lunar and solar calendars with the months based on the lunar cycle.
If you look up at the sky, you will see that the moon changes shape from new moon to full moon back to new moon, and so on. If you observe this cycle, you will find that it takes 29.53 days for the moon to complete its cycle. In the Hindu calendar, one month corresponds to this lunar cycle. In other words, the moon always corresponds to the size of the Hindu calendar, as opposed to the changing size of the month in the Gregorian calendar.
Also, since the Hindu month is based on the lunar cycle, you can always tell what date it is just by looking at the moon when the new moon is called Amavasya when the full moon is Poornima, and the days in between. In today’s day and age, when we have smartwatches and cell phones, it’s easy to look at the phone and set the date, but in the past, when these things weren’t there, think about convenience, that’s all. So look at the month and determine the date.