IAS or Indian Administrative Services is the most requested service. In addition to civil services, which are paid the highest, they also include power and authority. However, being a smart student is not enough to become an IAS employee. Luck also plays an important role. Therefore, IAS astrology by date of birth is a very important topic to discuss.
You must have good astrology support to thrive at civil services

Here we will discuss the different combinations in astrology or Kundli to become a civil services officer. Only after a thorough analysis of the diagram can you come to any conclusions.
Ascendant or Lagna must be strong because it is very important for success in life. Ascendant means your ability in terms of professional aspects. It is not only the ascendant or Lagna of Rashi or D1 to consider but also the ascendant of Navamsa. Both ascendants must be strong to have civil services yoga in Kundli.
The sixth house in the chart is the next important house. The 6th house is the 9th house if it is counted from the 10th house, and the 10th is counted from the 9th house. In this way, the 6th house shows the state of services such as promotions, expansions, etc. It also indicates success in competitive tests. In astrology, the 6th house denotes work, and the 7th house denotes business. So for any work at UPSC, you need a strong 6th House and 6th Ruler.
Know how the 10th and 8th house influence your career in civil services
The 10th house, otherwise known as the house of karma or profession, directly impacts success. It also assumes our social status, authority, and position. Therefore, a career in civil services relies heavily on the strength of the 10th house and 10th person. A healthy planet in the 10th house can cause dizziness in professional life.
The 8th house is another important house for high-level government services such as IAS or IPS. Most people misunderstand the 8th house. Masters of 10, joined by 8, will understand that local professions will be very ordinary. However, this did not happen, and he could even become the head of the department if other factors were in his favor. We found a relationship between the 10th and 8th houses in the birth cards of top managers. Department heads civil services jobs.
The 8th house is the 11th house of the 10th house, the 10th house of the 11th house. The 11th house indicates a source of income and fulfillment of ambition. Eight houses, therefore, stand for service ambition. This house also indicates the nature of the work that a person will do as a profession.
11th house along with Sun and Moon have a strong influence over your yog in civil services

Last but not least is the 11th house. The 11th house is the house of success and profit in the field of civil services. So for any success in competitive tests like IAS or IPS, or UPSC, you need a very strong 11th house and a very strong 11th Lord. Its association with the 10th, 6th, or ascendant is highly desirable.
The sun and moon are royal planets. You are also treated as king and queen in the group of all planets. The IAS has a direct relationship with the government during its term of office. So these royal planets play an important role in their natal chart.
- The sun and the moon are important planets for civil services, but for jobs like IAS or IPS, the sun is more important than the moon.
- Saturn is a natural sign of profession. Saturn is also Karak Job. So Saturn’s condition should be good in your horoscope.
- Cancer and Leo are royal signs. Therefore, we need to pay special attention to these two signs and the planets placed on them.
First of all, your horoscope should contain strong yoga for government work. You should first check the combination of government jobs in the civil services astrology and then only use the combination under the IAS astrological analysis.
Understand the connection of houses to have a good career in civil services

There must be a connection between the 10th and 9th houses, which means his wealth covers his profession. Both houses must be solid. If the 9th house is not strong, it means that the net worth is weak. The ninth house must also be positioned very strongly for the success of IAS. The combination of 9th Dewa and 10th God creates Strong Raj Yoga, which must pass civil service exams like IAS or IPS.
The sun or moon must be connected to the 10th, 9th, 8th, or 1st house in one way or another. The sun or the moon must be placed there, observe these houses, or be associated with their masters. Otherwise, there will be no success at IAS or UPSC. The sixth house must be connected to the ascending or tenth house in some way. The 6th hosts can be placed in ascending order or in the 10th house or vice versa, or these masters can be tied together or seen with each other in each house. They can also occupy each other’s Navamsa.
Some IAS yoga in Kundli like – When the sun or moon with its master occupies the 10th house, or when the sun is exalted in the 9th house, and the moon in the 10th house, etc.
Want to become lucky in your civil services exam? Understand your yoga through the combination of 9th and 10th house
Another yoga for IAS is when the 9th God occupies the 9th, and the 10th God occupies the 10th. For example, the sun is on the 10th, and the moon is on the 9th for the rising Scorpio.
There is a good chance of a reciprocal exchange between the lords of the 9th and 10th houses or if the 10th man meets the 9th along with the 9th or vice versa. Another good yoga for UPSC is when the 10th and 9th rulers combine in a convenient location and form the 10th and 9th houses, respectively, for the reigning Aries, Jupiter, and Saturn, the rulers of the 9th. The nine will gather together and the 10th in Lagna or Ascendant, from which they see their own home, the 9th and 10th houses. To be successful in IAS, at least one of the karmic ruling planets must be connected to the sun or moon, be it by connection or aspect. Otherwise, it should be assigned to the Ascendant or the 10th or 9th house. Although in this case, success comes only after great difficulties.
If you aspire to become an IAS, civil services astrology can help you

We also find that most IAS natives associate Venus with the sun or moon or the 9th and 10th Gods. The reason seems quite simple because IAS employees have all the comforts and luxuries in life. They have decent housing bungalows, moving trucks, and lots of butlers to help them. Thus, they have all kinds of modern amenities and amenities. Therefore, Venus also plays an important role in civil services astrology.
These are some of the positions that show the ninth and tenth houses are strong enough to succeed in any Indian civil service competition. There are other conditions in the birth chart of locals who aspire to IAS.
The planet of karmic control played an important role in the success of the people. These are the planets that produce results, good or bad, because of past life actions. The dealers of Rahu and Ketu are called karmic planets for civil services.