Resources of daily bread are the most essential part of any person’s life. Daily bread or career is not just a matter of earning money and spending it to fulfill their dreams and needs, but also the factor of name, fame, and respect in society. But sometimes the person faces continuous loss in their career or business after working hard and this situation may lead to the depression of a person but with the help of career horoscope people can overcome their problems.
As we all know that human life and their decision is feigned by planets and its position. The career of any person can be predicted by career astrology because astrology is capable of answering all the mysterious questions. If any person is facing hurdles in their career then contact SUVICH – The Real Astrology for free career astrology prediction right now.
Let us know how astrology affects the career of an individual and what are the remedies for growing business. Continue scrolling down to know more about it.
Various Factors Of Astrology That Play A Major Role In Career

Effective planets in career astrology

Among all the nine planets Saturn is the most effective planet in terms of career. In Career astrology Planet Saturn is named Karma Karaka as it indicates the good and bad deeds of a person and repay them according to their work. Also represents the job, profession, and career of a person. If Saturn is placed in the right horoscopic house, Saturn may lead to the success and good placement of a person, but it may affect the career or business adversely if it is placed in a wrong house or affiliated with the wrong house.
Various houses in Birth Chart that affect the Career

Horoscopic houses play an important role in the career of a person as do the other nine planets. Birth Chart contains a total of 12 houses which resemble 12 zodiac signs and all these aspects are determined at the time of birth of a person.
According to the Vedic Astrology, the career or job house is the 10th house. This house denotes the employment, profession, and position in their career field. Not only the 10th house but the 1st, 2nd, and 6th house is also responsible for the career. But the 10th house accurately describes the career life and the success of a person. The astrologers of SUVICH – The Real Astrology are capable of evaluating the career house or 10th house of the person and can expose all the hurdles in the business so that you become conscious about upcoming problems by accurate business astrology.
According to the Career horoscope, the zodiac sign of the 10th house is its lord and the affiliated planet that plays a major role in revealing the career graph of a person.
- The first house in a birth chart denotes Lagna Chakra and resembles the other characters like their character, self-esteem, thought process, and forecast of the person as they are more about the person’s personality so it is also effective in the career of a person.
- The 2nd house in a birth chart is called Dhana Sthana as it resembles the wealth of a person. If the house is affiliated with the right planet then the individual will never be out of money but if the planets are not favorable then they have to face a financial crisis in their life. This house not only represents the earned money, salary, and profits but also denotes every aspect of borrowed money, selling, etc.
- The 6th house of the birth chart is responsible for the Shatru, Roga, Enemies, diseases, and many other hurdles in business. This house is also the indicator of the salary, income, professions, and career life of a person. So before anyone starts their business they must navigate this house for career predictions.
- If any of these houses like 6th, 8th, and 12th are occupied by any other malefic planets then the person may face legal issues in their business as it creates dosha in the birth chart. If these situations are formed in the birth chart then the person will not face success after their best efforts.
- On the other hand, if Dasha’s are good then the individual may get promotions and success in their career.
- If the first house or Lagna Chakra is secure in the birth chart then the individual will get the deserving success in their career and will stand robustly in front of difficult situations and solve their problems confidently.
Remedies Of Growing Your Business According To Astrology

A problem is not that big, which astrology can not solve. Astrology has the solution to every problem either big or small, it always comes up with the most suitable remedies. Let’s take a look at the most suitable remedies by experts astrologers of SUVICH for business astrology.
- People can place some sea salt at the workplace.
- Place a little fountain at the entrance of your business site, that can enhance the growth of the business.
- The person should place the statue of Lord Ganesha and Goddess Laxmi at their desk.
- If anyone is facing problems there then they can wear such gemstones with the advice of astrologers.
- If the kundali has some dosha then the person can perform some puja, hawan, and other rituals to manage the position of malefic planets.
- Along with these remedies, the person should not lose hard work and hope in their work and don’t rely on a career horoscope completely.
The Final Words

Astrology is not only helpful to know about behaviour and future incidents but also help to make decisions whether it is career or love life. Planets affect every phase of human life and so the career, that is why it becomes important to talk to astrologer online to know the obstacles and remedies of their problems. Career Horoscope will definitely help people to extend their business and can reach the peak of success. For more free career astrology contact SUVICH – The Real Astrology now.